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All Four Paws!

Tiger Paws Tiger Therapy
About 2 weeks before New Years I finally decided that a year into running my business I really need to get myself back into a sensible routine. Sleeping too long in to the morning because I could, and because I had spent all my working life getting up before 7am because I had to, encouraged the rebellion I was experiencing most mornings. Much to my own detriment…

Lately having had so much trouble sleeping and every day feeling so far behind on the day to running of my business, never quite feeling as though I had been proactive enough, constantly feeling tired and groggy, never quite managing to organise myself properly like I once used to, and not being able to attend my favourite gym classes because I am working during those times, got me thinking.

I needed a routine/structure, I wanted to return to my hobbies.

Now because I had already taken a huge break from all my hobbies and activities and because I felt that doing any of them was kind of a luxury when starting up a business that needed my full attention, I was starting to get a bit low in self esteem, and a bit low in energy levels and enthusiasm, I was basically starting to lack a lust for life, for career or anything, which is never good if you want to be successful.

I had made the decision by this time to close one evening a week to attend my regular Kick Boxing Class that I missed and that gave me a competitive edge and it was also time to prepare for my long overdue black belt, I had also set aside time for one personal training session a week, and so now it was time to go back to yoga, but how? I couldn't take any more time out of my working evenings and I certainly couldn't afford to add to my hobbies financially, the only option left was to practise on my own, a thought that filled me with fear and dread. Considering I had spent 2/3 years consistently practising yoga in classes , I really ought to be able to undertake at least some sun salutations in the morning, that's not hard right? I know how to do them, I have done them enough.

And so it began. What started out as a simple challenge to myself to initially begin building confidence and to undertake my own practise evolved into a routine that would benefit my business in ways I hadn't imagined.

Simply getting up to a schedule in plenty of time before my working day begins was in the first instance a huge improvement, getting up to practise yoga even better. There begins intent, focus and purpose, a clear start to the day that leads to an all round more productive and more organised day. It doesn't have to be yoga, it could be any hobby, or educational reading for example. The unexpected things that came in to play as a direct result of this routine were amazing!

I then began setting my intentions from the night before, literally the last thing I do before I close my eyes, I get my diary out and set my intentions for the very next day. I began writing about my practise, about improvements and areas I need to work on, which then evolved into a personal journal, the benefits of which are also huge. My confidence at Kick Boxing improved which meant my preparation for my black bet grading is is coming along well. My massage technique and my belief in my self as a Therapist has increased, I even went so far as to attend a lap dance workshop. I had fun, i dressed up, I laughed and got a a bit of a thrill.

Today for example I have already:

  • Rose at 7:30 am (vast improvement for me) and gone straight into 45minute vinyasa flow yoga session
  • Constructed and sent out several emails that are designed to attract more clients and strike a few deals and partnerships with other businesses.
  • Met with a friend for coffee (social activities and networking are very important)
  • Started this blog
  • Increased my weeks bookings by reaching out to my customers

And All before midday. So, by setting myself a routine, establishing my intentions, creating head space and getting some focus I have found all four paws:

Focus, Clarity, Intent, Confidence.


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